Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Ah Naturel

I'm organic with most things but the most unusual natural thing I've done to date is oil pulling. Strangely, I learned about it twice in one week this month so I felt the need to give it a whirl. Rids toxins, strengthens gums and even whitens teeth. Thanks Design Mom for doing your research first. And now I'm obsessed with coconut oil. I've used Trader Joe's Organic Coconut Oil for cooking for several years now, but I have not really looked into the many benefits of it. Google it up; you will be surprised. (Try popping popcorn with it! You will die.)

I'm NOT a morning person so I do this when I can, but at least 3 times a week. Swirling oil in my mouth for 10 minutes here 20 minutes there. Then spit it in the trash or toilet. I need to build up my gums because I've recently discovered receding issues. I'm also trying baking soda to help whiten my teeth, but I do love my Toms of Maine toothpaste minty flavor and do not go without brushing with that just yet. I will keep you posted on my discoveries, but so far...I really like the way it makes my mouth and teeth feel. (Oil pulling was recently on Dr. Oz as well, but with Sesame Oil).

In the exact same week my daughter started getting eczema. Our first experience with this. My mom told me to use coconut oil on it. So we did, nothing major happened and I just kept using lotion as well. Then I started reading more. If you lather up with coconut oil, then shower (hot water so your drain does not clog) it completely moisturizes your skin. I've been doing this once a week or so with myself and my daughter. Her rash has totally disappeared within a few days. Amazing. I also started shaving with it while showering. Holy smooth legs!

Also, as of late, I started noticing more wrinkles on my face and I've been reading up a ton on beauty products. I discovered this website. It tells you what is in your products and how harmful they might be. I've been quite conscious in the past about products, but now I'm paranoid as all get out. So what can I use that's good and not harmful, etc. etc...??? Not sure yet. In the meantime, I started to use coconut oil to wash my face/rid makeup. Result = Awesome!

So now my husband thinks I'm crazy, but I don't care. I'm totally obsessing.... he walked into the bathroom and said, "It looks like a damn kitchen in here!" I have a jar of oil, some apple cider vinegar (that I'm trying as a face toner) and a large box of baking soda (which can be used as a shampoo too). Yep, I'm nutso, but I'm liking the benefits.

I'm now on the search for a good face moisturizer and makeup. I'm not fully convinced that the coconut oil will not clog my pores used as a night cream.  I will keep you posted on my findings! I think foodbabe has opened my eyes more too. Love her site and reference it often. Check her out.

To a healthier year... and sticking to my resolution! and to my inner hippie ;) 


p.s. After researching, I feel like EVERYONE is searching for good safe alternatives lately. Another good source is A Blog About Love.

1 comment:

Keepin' Up With The Jahns said...

I need coconut oil! I use apple cider vinegar and lemon juice on my it!